So no secret that Lake O has been on fire. I have snuck out 4 times in the last few weeks.
Fishing has been incredible.
Not only incredible for numbers of fish but also that they have been so close to shore. Some days 60-75 fow some days 80-100 fow. Either way in a few hours each trip has produced anywhere from 15 hits on the slowest trip to 30ish hits on the best trip. Lots of doubles. I still haven’t done a triple but have done a double and while getting two fish in the boat another rod went off.
Topping it all off yesterday evening was getting out with my son and father. My son wrestled, by himself, a 8.8lb Chrome Chinook. He has a couple of years ago landed one over 20lbs but he fought it from a rod holder. This time it was all him no assistance other than some coaching.
My Dad got a HUGE Chinook that we didn’t weigh. I also don’t buy derby tickets but may have to reconsider that. It was 40” and super fat. Would have been a contender.