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you both had a lot better day than I did. I heard nothing and only saw 2 ducks. Congrats on the jake, you just have to take the shot if they ask for it.
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No bird for me this morning…I set up against my usual tree in a field about 80 yds from the main bush where they often roost in the edge trees, but no birds there this morning. Heard 2 gobblers far away…
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Out again this morning. Had my father along as a spectator both of us in a blind.
Wild kingdom didn’t disappoint.
Frost was everywhere on the ground. It felt even colder than opening morning, even though the thermometer didn’t agree. Turkeys were super quiet for a really long time. It was at least half an hour after legal shooting before any sounds from the bush. First, we had a coyote run across in front of us. Then about 10 minutes after we had four deer come in and hang out just behind our decoys. They stayed playing with each other and prancing around. Shortly after seven hens came out of the bush. They stood in the middle of the field calling, finally coaxing a Tom out of the trees. The hens went for a walk across the field and strangely enough the Tom stayed right in the middle. I got the Tom gobbling and all heated up and he started moving towards my Decoys. Strangely enough, he suddenly stopped and walked straight off the field back into the bush, where he came from. The hens kept up the chatter for quite a while on the far side of the field. Then my father whispered to me and pointed sideways past me. A hen had snuck in and was standing 5 feet to my left side. She walked around the blind, staying about 5 feet away and looked straight at my Dad. She didn’t spook and just started foraging. Slowly, the hen walked off, another hen was coming into the decoys. She didn’t like something and started veering off. I was watching her as my father again pointed left and said they’re right here. My view was blocked by a pine tree, but three Jakes came in less than 10 feet to my left side. We watched them for a few minutes. One started to get nervous and since my father had never turkey hunted before I decided we should wrap up the show. I shot one of the Jakes at 15 yards to finish off the hunt.
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Was out this morning and did hear 2 gobbles at times. Had 2 hens as decoys out in field. Just as I was ready to pack it in around 9:30, 2 come running around corner a hen and Mr Tom. They didn't commit to the distance for a good shot but was he strutting his looks and tail. was my first time seeing one at hunting last 2 springs. Always had hens come in but my heart was racing. May try again Tomorrow.
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In Harcourt it was -9 both mornings. Ponds were froze over & I never heard a gobble. Lots of woodpeckers & a bit of drumming later in the morning. Cheers
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Yesterday was an afternoon -- "the crack of 1". At 2 pm a couple distant gobbles. At 3 pm buddy text me 3 toms are across his field below me and heading towards the gap between these fields and to give them a call. They read the script and walked along the field edge 5 yds in front of me. These three looked like 2-yr old brothers. I got a clear shot at the first. Christened the new over/under "finally".
The birds hung around for over 5 minutes 20 yds out, then headed back down the gap to the lower field...
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Returning the favour, I text my buddy that the 2 toms were on a return trip to him. 20 minutes later and "boom" (one shot is always good!). Pretty unique sequence of events and a whole lot of luck for sure.
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Opening morning success. It was cool but i was out across the farmers field by 5:30 am and settled in. About 6:30 2 nice size deer , a doe followed by a buck , came by at 15 yards and walked till they came to my footprints in the frosty grass , and even though they did not panic they slowly turned around and went back where they came from. That was exciting. About 7 am i heard a gobble from the woods 250 yards across from me. I kept calling and he kept answering. 2 mins later he comes out and heads my way. some branches were blocking my site and i had to wait for better positioning. Man a Beretta 12 gauge gets heavy lol. He kept strutting and puffed up 15 yards in front of me, i gave another soft call with the mouth call and he stepped out enough for a shot. Turkey down at 7:20 am.
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Did you use decoys. Tried again today saw lots of hens from a distance and a tom popped out briefly. No one committed. Cant figure it out. Nice bird Workaholic congrats.
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QUOTE (RAM3500 @ Apr 28, 2024 - 12:54 pm)
Did you use decoys. Tried again today saw lots of hens from a distance and a tom popped out briefly. No one committed. Cant figure it out. Nice bird Workaholic congrats.
I don’t always use decoys but I do more than I don’t.
A single hen decoy is great IMO.
A half strut Jake can be awesome if a Tom is territorial.
If you use a Strut Tom decoy it’s a 50/50 crap shoot. You either scare a non dominant Tom away or if it’s the resident dominant Tom, your in for an awesome show. That big boy will come in fast and p##### off.
I have had it go south with a strut Tom decoy and had some of the best hunts I have ever had over one.