Group: Members
Posts: 940
Member No.: 10129
Joined: November 12, 2015
"No Doe Tag" looks to be the reality for 2024. Our area has always been 100% success unit; for more than 30 years, we've always got antlerless. Four of our group that know their results will be bucks only this year. And we're hearing of more and more that are the same. Quite the crash(?)
Group: Members
Posts: 398
Member No.: 10255
Joined: December 29, 2015
Not the worst thing in the world. Last winter was relatively soft on deer and they came out of it in decent shape. Add in an early green up, it was less time for the late winter stress period and they gained the pounds on quick.
With those factors and the antlerless tags being cut in half, it would be great for the overall deer herd in 82A