Group: Newbies
Posts: 21
Member No.: 17859
Joined: January 05, 2020
Good afternoon everyone - does anyone know of any operators that will rent out a bungalow to one person without charging me for the price of two? It's been a tough year this year and looking forward to a solo mission this winter to have some time to fish and relax after this year. Normally we go as a group of 4 but think I need to do a solo trip this time.
Group: Members
Posts: 40
Member No.: 9464
Joined: April 28, 2015
I fish 2-3 times a year by myself in condos. Nobody I know wants to ice fish so I have to do it on my own and I'm a freakin addict!
I've done the research. Mid week most operators will give you a break in price if they decide its worthwhile. None will give you a break on weekends. I would say the average rate I have found is about $350 for 3 nights (M-thurs) but some don't budge and I don't hold it against them. Its their business. Call around. There's lots that will accommodate you.
4 years ago, my first time solo, I booked at Rob's 5 Star. Nick (owner) put me on fish from the very fist day (I actually had a fish hit on the drop with the very fist line I dropped) and I have always thought why switch if i'm catching. i have confidence in his location. I book multiple trips with them every year. (one in Jan, Feb and March - weather and ice permitting
He has a smaller "3 Man" bungalow with a lower rate I guess. Bunks on both ends with about 8' in the middle I find it a great size for 1 person. No stove but there is the 2 burner cooktop. He has been generous a few times and put me in a true 4 man hut and there is a difference in size for sure but I'm happy in the 3 man.
No gonna lie the huts might be a little old but they are sound and warm. His is not a high end operation. I have zero complaints except for the snow in the outhouse.
I will be trying Lake Nipissing Outfitters this year too. Ironically, they apparently purchased a 3 man from Rob's and that is what I will be in. Gotta say they were awesome on the phone so I hope it works out.
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