Group: Newbies
Posts: 20
Member No.: 14646
Joined: October 25, 2017
Black flies have pretty much come and gone, we are now into the mosquito season. Did see a couple of May flies yesterday so I would think that hatch is coming soon.
Group: Members
Posts: 68
Member No.: 16663
Joined: January 02, 2019
How badly does the may fly hatch shut down the bite?
I'm heading up to the West Arm next weekend and from what I've read... mayfly hatch = zero bite. I've never fished in that area before and I've never been out during the hatch either so I'm not sure what to expect.
Group: Members
Posts: 286
Member No.: 3521
Joined: February 08, 2013
I don't know where dockboy is located,
But they were pretty well peak on the West Arm on the weekend. 25% deet wouldn't keep them off me.
Mosquitoes are early this year, and thick.
There are a few mayflies hatching, but they are not the subspecies that does the major shutdown hatch on the west end. Those come in early-mid June. May be early this year, although the water was still pretty cool.
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