Hi my Friends,
So nice to be able to get onto my favorite little northern lake.
I had been mostly Crappie fishing up until 2 weeks ago then finally got onto the deep water Joy's!
The ice on the lake lake is now 8 inches thick which is more than safe for a Walker like myself.The odd sled is now roaming the lake.
So nice to spend time up here away from all the hectic areas that I had been fishing.The last 2 outings I fished I counted a total of 3 other fishermen! How sweet it is.The other day driving in to the lake I was welcomed by 12 White tailed deer and when I hit the lake a bald headed eagle was having his breakfast on the ice!
As for the fishing,i was able to have enough success to keep me more than happy at the fillet and dinner table.
Took my friend out who has a severe brain injury, we used one rod and he was able to land his 6 first ever Lakers one day! Heavenly it was!! Topped off with one very happy fisherman to say the least! Smile in the pic tells the story.Until next time,yes,have a Crappie Day!