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QUOTE (Flukes @ Oct 23, 2024 - 07:42 am)
QUOTE (longfish @ Oct 22, 2024 - 08:27 pm)
Must be short on installed memory right from the get......they should recall them by the sounds of the many units that have issues and repair them.
I just googled this and it seems like there are tons of them out there that freeze......come on Lowerance own up to making a piece of crap and recall/fix them or give a credit.
I would agree IF I had paid their regular price for my Hook4 Ice machine (and if this is the problem that the update can't fix)....maybe that is one of the reasons for selling the entire ice package with battery and charger for only $149?? Maybe they fixed the problem in the next generation replacement model but recalling these ones would cost more than selling at a very low price. But hopefully the updated firmware will solve enough of the problem for my needs.
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Before you do anything make sure your battery is in good state and the cables provide a GOOD connection (steady current). After that think of firmware update.
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Thanks Berger and Longshank. I don't think the connection is the issue here since it has happened every time I have used it (and I charge the battery after each use so reconnect - assuming I don't reconnect the same way poorly each time). Transducer is a possibility since it is an older transducer (I have had a transducer issue in a past old model). Firmware update would be the cheapest solution and so I hope that would resolve the problems.
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Update on my ice machine. I finally found where I kept a microSD card (after it was still freezing up the same way and now and always seem to pick the time when I am over fish and a mark looks like it's rising to my lure So I decided too look hard for that microSD card and deal with the firmware update as Coda and others had suggested (battery and connections were good - I even have di-electric grease on the terminals) - and the step-by-step worked perfectly (thanks Coda) . My last two trips after the update, no freezing up (maybe about 4-5 hours of running the sonar in total) when I normally would have at least 2-4 freezing up events during each fishing trip (fishing trips were usually about 2ish hours long). So I am hoping it's all good now.
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Very glad it seemed to have worked at least for now. Will make sure it gets good use on the is an "ice machine" after all and then see if it still works correctly. I think you may be correct Arnie that the new firmware likely takes up much less space and so it's working well. I hope it is okay with the ice transducer too (it has a few more options that the skimmer I was using on the softwater). BTW - kayak was put away so that is the end of the kayak fishing for sure. Now, if there is a nice warm stretch coming up, I can either get the motorized canoe out or decide if there are enough days of fishing to make it worthwhile to pull out the yak again. With the forecast for my area, it doesn't look like it...all sub-zero day time highs after Tuesday....bring on the ice!
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Great news! I guess I need to run a firmware update then, my Hook4 shuts down regularly and I was just avoiding having to chase wires on the boat to find the short... maybe it's just firmware.
I ice fish with an older Hook3 and it is super reliable, so it was disappointing to have the 4 shutting down all the time on my boat.
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