BRACEBRIDGE - Turtle safety has become a concern to residents of Peterson Road in Bracebridge.
Laurel Turansky is one of these residents and has requested permission from the town to put up turtle crossing signs in her area.
“I live on a dirt road and there are wetlands on both sides of the road,” said Turansky.
Peterson Road is located near Uffington, east of Bracebridge.
“The turtles are constantly crossing over, from one side to the other, or they’re laying their eggs on the side of the road.”
Turansky and three of her neighbours have agreed to pay for the signs that can be purchased from the Kids For Turtles organization in Orillia.
The signs are standard diamond warning signs and would be erected by Robert Bowles, an environmental consultant working with Kids For Turtles.
Bracebridge district Coun. Scott Young supported the request in council on Tuesday and questioned if there was more that could be done.
“I wonder if it’s possible for the town to purchase more of these signs and save them for similar requests in other areas,” said Young. “When you kill a turtle on the road it is usually an older female looking for a place to lay her eggs.”
Turansky says there are already signs in some areas of Muskoka and there are probably many other roads that need to alert drivers.
“We do see people deliberately running them over and we need people to be aware that this is a living creature. It has just as much right to live in this area as we do,” she said.