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> Alarming drop in water levels in Lake Huron
Posted: Jul 22, 2011 - 12:43 pm

Parr Trout

Group: Newbies
Posts: 88
Member No.: 605
Joined: March 22, 2011

It would seem nearly impossible, but there is an alarm being raised about the lower water levels in Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes. Its' northern shore is located just half-an-hour south of Espanola and there are many people who access its resources. To that end, public input is being sought on the situation with a special hearing planned for early next month.

The International Joint Commission (IJC) on the Great Lakes will be at the Kagawong Park Center on Saturday, August 6, 10:00 am until noon, to discuss Lake Huron water level issues with the public, according to Seija Deschenes, the Stewardship Coordinator for the Manitoulin Area Stewardship Council (MASC).

"This may a good venue to discuss this issue in a public forum, let them know what we think and hopefully works to influence positive future moves that work to stabilize the aquatic resource we are so locally and economically dependant on," says Deschenes. "We are trying to make a stand and show a strong voice and concerns about water levels around Manitoulin Island and the surrounding areas to the IJC. The more people, the better, especially those affiliated with groups that promote conservation and natural resources."

The IJC is hosting the public meetings throughout the province this summer to provide information regarding the status of the second and final phase of its work, examining Great Lakes water levels. At the meetings, the public will have an opportunity to hear from Study Board members and researchers about preliminary findings and potential regulation plans.

According to a study done this June, 2011, Lake Superior is one inch above last year's level and Lake Michigan-Huron is one inch below the level of a year ago. Lakes St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario are 6, 10, and 16 inches, respectively, higher than they were at this time last year.

Over the next thirty days (which ends at the end of July), Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron are projected to climb three inches and one inch, respectively. The water levels of Lakes St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario are forecasted to decrease 4, 5, and 7 inches, respectively, over the next month.

The water level of Lake Superior is below chart datum and is forecasted to remain below chart datum until July. Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings.

"We are trying to rally up as many interest groups along the North Shore and on the Island to voice our concerns in regards to amount of water being taken from the states and other sources that will directly affect Lake Huron water levels, its fishery, recreational activities and economic impacts to tourism, etc."

Anyone interested in the issue, can attend the meeting or contact Deschenes at 148 Fleming St. in Espanola, by phone at: (705) 869-5326 or email: seija.deschenes@ontario.ca.

PMEmail Poster
Posted: Jul 23, 2011 - 06:59 pm

Adult Trout

Group: Members
Posts: 234
Member No.: 593
Joined: March 20, 2011

O.K. I read this twice looking for any statistics that would lend credence to the title of this post. All I could find was that at the current point Lake Huron is one inch ABOVE the levels of the same time period a year ago, hardly startling information. I do most of my boating on Georgian Bay which is part of Lake Huron. Our water levels are up noticeably over the past few years. Here's a news bulletin: the Great Lakes all vary significantly from year to year. I'm growing a wee bit tired of Alfredo's numerous posts of the ilk that the sky is falling. One day he'll post something truly meaningful and, like the little boy who cried wolf constantly, the audience may be very limited in numbers.

PMEmail Poster
Posted: Jul 25, 2011 - 08:30 am

Parr Trout

Group: Newbies
Posts: 88
Member No.: 605
Joined: March 22, 2011

Sorry GrandpaJim, I will try to keep my posts more positive. I read this article and thought this was important since a few years ago, there was concerns about the dropping levels of Georgian Bay.

PMEmail Poster

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