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> salmon eggs
Posted: Sep 12, 2011 - 05:05 pm

Adult Trout

Group: Members
Posts: 255
Member No.: 667
Joined: May 06, 2011

i looking for ways of curring eggs please give your recipes i would appreciate it.

PMEmail Poster
Posted: Sep 12, 2011 - 05:34 pm

Trophy Trout

Group: Members
Posts: 829
Member No.: 778
Joined: August 17, 2011

This is the recipe I have been using for skein and loose eggs.

1 quart water
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of non-iodized salt
1 cup of borax

2 tablespoons of PRO-GLOW powdered red bait COLORING (not the cure).
OR just use regular red food colouring, or red and yellow to make orange eggs.

You can reduce the ingredients accordingly if you're only doing this for a small batch of eggs.

First of all, split your egg skeins lengthwise and quarter them. It's easiest to cut down the portion of the skein without the membrane and lay the sac open.

Next, with THE EXCEPTION of the eggs, bring ALL of the above ingredients to a boil in a large pan. Make sure to stir frequently!!

After the mixture has been boiled and all contents are dissolved, cool the mixture to a luke-warm temperature and then place your eggs in the solution. Allow the eggs to soak for about twenty minutes, stirring about every 7 or 8 minutes.

NOTE: for single, loose eggs, do no soak more than ten minutes in the brine.

Then, remove the eggs from the mixture and drain in a strainer for several hours. Following this step, you will want to lay the strained eggs out on cotton towels for approximately 18-24 hours to dry.

Once the eggs are relatively dry to the touch, roll them in plain borax and store in a plastic container. NOTE: for loose eggs, let dry for just a few hours ... or else they will turn out like a dried pea!

You can keep them in the refrigerator for a month or so, if you plan on keeping them any longer than that, freeze in an air-tight container. You might also experiment with adding shrimp or sardine oils to the brine mixture.

PMEmail Poster

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