Group: Members
Posts: 409
Member No.: 2140
Joined: October 10, 2012
Good Morning Anglers,
Stay tuned for the dates of our Anniversary sale... 2 years ago TODAY the doors of True canadian Outdoors opened and who would of thought that a small store like this would survive this cut throat business, situated next to 3 giants in the fishing community BASS PRO, SAIL, AND CANADIAN TIRE but with hard work and dedication to our customers we have managed to keep our prices competitive and our customer service top notch where you get one on one service from a friendly staff, you are not considered customers you are considered friends and family to us and your presence in the store always puts a smile on our faces where we can just sit back shoot the crap and enjoy a meaningful conversation about anything..
Thank you to each and everyone of you, for 2 wonderful amazing years and MANY MANY MORE TO COME