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Hi all. I ventured up to Kashagawigamog on Saturday on the hunt for the ever elusive walleye. Got onto the ice around 10 and using the navionics app set up in a probable fish holding location. Not 10 seconds after line in water had my first perch of the day. Fishing in 26 ft of water with a deadstick and a buckshot in the water. About 50/50 live bait versus lure. Ended the day with 26 perch but no walter, although i did have a bigger fish bite then spit the buckshot. All in all great day and worth future attempts! Also met bluenote on the ice. I am "the walker"
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Hi Fisherboy. Let me know how you make out. I will be going back for sure. Was solo and i think next time a few of my fishing buddies want to go so will team fish and try and nail down a successful pattern!!
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Paubro - great meeting you on the ice Saturday - thanks for coming over saying hello!!!
Meant to ask you - as walker - why the two augers - extra could be considered by some as extra volume and weight? Is one 4" for your new flasher? Other 6" or 8" for the holes fished?
Keep the reports and pics coming!!!
Let us know how works out next trip with your buddies - teamwork could figure out an area.
That spot you were on was very close to where I nailed two musky within 15 minutes one November day in 2013.
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Joined: February 01, 2014
Yes Bluenote, 4" for searching and transducer hole. 8" when there is a chance of larger fish. 4"hole too small but takes no effort at all. 8" not so much! If i am going perching specifically i will only carry my 4". Bought it last year when ice was 30" thick lol.
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Ill be up there for the family day weekend at my cottage. I will have my sled and I think I might try my summer crappie spot if I have any time for fishing in between visiting and taking the family for rips in the sled . Maybe I'll see some of you guys out there. I'll be by the channel from the main lake into grass.
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This coming weekend! Hopefully I can bring the luck I have this year and pull some nice fish out of this lake! Had to bring the 6 man hut back to Cabela so only have a 3 man clam. I might be the one stuck sitting outside.
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I'll be heading up to the cottage as well for the long weekend, most likely will be heading out on Kash to Try my luck. Last year we went out for eyes and ended up getting into the Lakers instead so hopefully try Lakers and hope for a walleye. Good luck out there this weekend
Fishing Northern Lakes
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