I studied a bit the relationship between moose and caribou populations and mostly how MNR uses their policies through moose tag allocations to reintroduce caribou in Northern Ontario. I found a lot of interesting facts that I put in the letter attached to my post.
I also talked to a senior wildlife biologist for Northern Ontario and he told me a few interesting facts.
1. The previous goals (before 2015) for MNR regarding moose were set such as to double the moose population. He also said that MNR recognized that to be unrealistic.
2. Following the 2015 moose population estimates, MNR realized that overall moose population increased considerably and reassessed the goals to more realistic figures.
Nevertheless that didn't materialized in increased tag allocations. (go figure). Any way the policies regarding caribou are closely related to moose tag allocations as you will see reading the attached letter.
I would like to have input and gather more opinions and suggestions before I send this to Jeff Yurek, the new Minister in charge to MNR.