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Per Ontario 2019 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary, Page 13:
Provincial Possession Limits
While the regulations for a specific Zone limit the number of fish an individual can catch and retain from that Zone, provincial possession limits limit the total number of fish of a given species a person can have in their possession (including storage) which have been harvested from more than one Zone. Always check the regulations for the Zone in which you are fishing to ensure that you aren’t exceeding the catch and possession limit for that Zone.
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Well, do you think government officially released document to the general public on fishing regulations (which is law, and the law is law for everyone to follow) is allowed to have this typo (or any typo) in the first place?
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It’s the gubbermint. They screw up daily. I’m sure it will be fixed. But hey, maybe the perch population will be safe now. I remember when they changed the lake Joseph start date a few years back. The paper copy said the 15th as it always was. Then a week before opening day they changed it to the family day weekend but online only. So it has happened. It’s that damn spellcheck. No one proof reads anymore.
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And I wonder next time if you on Simcoe ice fishing kept more than 10 perch, and a CO armed with this 2019 Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary, and stop you....
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Could one of our Chinese brothers check the regs in Chinese. I looked and there is a 100 limit on one species, all the others match. but I’m assuming it’s perch . Prob only screwed up the English version of the regs.
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10 is plenty for a feed, no need to keep any more than that anyway.
Haha, just stirring the pot, I’m sure it’s a typo, especially if the other language versions say 100. I wouldn’t worry about it too much, if you are really concerned, put em back I guess.
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