I decided to see if I could run my helix 7 sonar off one of those car booster packs and what the performance is like and I was pleasantly surprised how it turned out.
I purchased two of these at Costco when they were on sale for 94$ each, I did a little research on these before I purchased as my intention is to use them as emergency car boosters, it turns out allot of these are total crap so you want to research these before you buy but this one being sold by Costco I was not as worried and if it turns out to be junk I can return in store.
https://www.costco.ca/Boostmi-Pro-Portable-....100410499.htmlhere are the specs according to manufacturer related to using it as a battery pack supply
Lithium iron phosphate battery @ 18,000 mah capacity
12v supply @ 10a maximum draw
My helix 7 is the Sonar G2 model and Hummingbird says it draws 800mah
I ran my Helix 7 last night outside with temps ranging from +2 degrees to +4 degrees when the pack shut down. I did this test with full screen brightness (10) and ultra setting for screen refresh rate to see what I could get using the maximum draw of this unit but I normally only use 4 -6 screen brightness as that is plenty bright for me and saved allot of battery life when powered by the lead acid battery.
Test started at 8pm +2 temp and ran until 3:38am +4 temp for a total of 7:38min according to my Nest Cam
Despite it not lasting as long as the math would say for 18,000 mah capacity @ 800mah draw; I was very pleased with the results. If I had run this at 4 or 5 screen brightness I am sure I would have gotten a few more hours out of it and well into the goldilocks zone of 8 to 10 hrs of run time.
While I wish it was colder out for this test and ice making reasons; the temps are ok with me because in a hut or with hand warmers I could maintain this type of temp with little issues.
Here is the biggest reason I will be using this pack this year over the lead acid: weight
quite simply it’s the best weight to hrs of run time ratio for me, I weighed each battery option I have used to power this unit and here are the comparisons
Lead Acid 7Amp = 5.5lbs
M18 adaptor with 5.0amp battery = just under 2lbs about 1.9lbs
M18 adaptor with 9.0amp battery = 2.75lbs
Boostmi pro pack = 1.4lbs
I really want to get some of those Dakota Lithium 12v batteries but cannot find any Canadian sellers but this is a great option to hold me over and shaves 4lbs off my current set up with lead acid, I use the M18 adapter as backup as my drill is the m18 so I am always covered for power.