Went out on the bay yesterday out of waubashene to seek out a walleye for my birthday dinner. What a fantastic way to spend your birthday, on the water listening to music under sunny skies and glorious temperatures. Now the fishing report, my stepdad and I landed 19 pike the largest 6 pounds, 11 bass a3.5 pound walleye 23 inches and one Garpike.
What a heck of a birthday!!! Too bad on the picture of the gar, good photographers are hard to find on the water especially when their 77 years old, but he did manage to get half the gar in the pic lol!!
Panther Martin gold did number 15 did the damage for me today while the old fella stuck to his regular lucky strike 4' lizard.
Ended the birthday with a wonderful fillet a la walleye,it certainly pays off being a chef. Until the next report good luck and good fishing!!!