Headed out bright and early to finish off the spring salmon season ..
Arrived at 6:45 am, dam , light now at 5am , ok late start , might have known something was off , one truck at the ramp not 20 , attendant said things had slowed right down ..What the hay I'm here , off I go ..
Started off shallow , same mo, long leads, small body baits dead slow ..set up in 25 fow , dropped rigger to 15 and could'nt figure why the rod was bouncing , figured hitting bottom .. no it's a fish ..15 min in ..
Had a fun day ; went 12 for 12 , all small fish but my motto is any thing that pulls back is a friend of mine.. released 7 minis and kept three eaters and two that committed suicide ..
As I trolled there were fish pushing up bait and hitting them on the surface , twice as I was putting line in release felt a tug and fish on , basically flat lining ..
Hey if this was my last trip till July it ended up more than ok ..
A couple pix , Gave the 2 small lads to an elderly gent who can't get out much and kept 1 for our supper and donated 2 to our seniors group for their fish fry ..
It ain't over just yet ..