Group: Members
Posts: 87
Member No.: 14006
Joined: April 05, 2017
Interesting that OFAH, in their submission to the Lake of the Woods and FMZ 15 plans have noted that "one over walleye regs are essentially at the core of those reg failures.
At the heart of the matter is the fact that 4 fish under 46cm or three under 46cm and one over 46cm was discounted/not recommended as ineffective at reducing harvest sufficiently in 2001 in NE Ontario.
The Minister (David Ramsay) took it upon himself in 2004 to implement it across the province replacing the NE Ontario science based regulation 4 fish 40-56cm or 3 +1>56cm. The 4 fish 46cm had no business being implemented but the Minister is the boss.
Amazing that the 4 under 46 or 3 under and one over 46cm has persisted for almost 20 yrs in Ontario.
In my opinion a 4 fish, none over 43cm would be a good sawoff. It only allows for one " advantageous mismeasurement" versus two with a slot and allows almost all mature female walleye protection assuming 50% of 45cm female walleye are mature (science in the NE).
Oddly FMZ 10 chose 4 fish, none over 46cm to protect adult fish which leaves early maturing females vulnerable.
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