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I normally try not to plug a company...but after reading all the reports where people are getting eaten alive by bugs, I thought I'd mention the above.
They really have a great line of products, one's that you can wear on your belt or, if you need coverage for a bigger area, stand alone units that cover an impressive area.
I have one meant for personal use, and another that I use for any camping or chair fishing I do, particularly as the sun goes down.
They're available pretty much everywhere, from Marks Work Warehouse, to Canadian Tire, to Walmart...
It could be the last product you'll need when it comes to keeping the skeeters at bay.
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So do you find these units work well. 90 percent of my fishing is at night but I don't know much about this new technology. I just use mosquito spray on my clothes. Garlic on my skin and chew cinnamon gum.
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These units work i wasnt sure at first but when i tried when hunting up north in the bush it was fantastic worked on mosquito and black fly well worth the money
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Thank you for posting that Atilla. And thank you salmonslayer for the comment. I will look into these units. Every little bit helps protect against the little vampires at night.
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DON'T leave home without one. I have like 4 of them. I bought the camo cloth carrier for one, which is great because it has to side pouches that hold extra fuel and cards, also has a belt hook. while walking it probably only stops 50%, but stopped it a 100% all the way on misquotes. I'm cheap so while sitting there and no bugs I figured might as well turn off and save fuel. That lasted about 5 minutes and I regretted that decision. Never turn off now until I'm at truck
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I agree with the benefits of using the thermacell. I keep my usage to outside and not inside a ground blind (health concerns?). I find spraying the window openings with regular repellant discourages flying pests from entering.
There a number of "hack" videos that show how to refill fuel canisters for much cheaper than replacing. I tried this and it does work. The blue repellant pads are available in "nock-off" versions from "overseas" for much less; I haven't used these out of concern for quality/health standards.
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I'm glad this came up. I'm going backcountry crown camping with my 9 month old in a couple weeks. Was looking for a good way to keep the mosquitoes at bay. Looked into the thermacell, but was skeptical. Too many gimmicks out there.
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QUOTE (Longshank @ Jun 20, 2023 - 09:07 pm)
wow, very interesting as we bought a ste over 3 years ago and in all honesty were not impressed
so back to spray and a bug jacket........
did we just wind up getting defective units, cause now i'm interested again
My experience with them is limited but we were at a friends place and they lit up a table top one and it didn’t seem to help at all. Maybe it was defective. Have to give it a second chance.
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my two cents they seem to work well in a back yard patio situation but acouple years ago i took one north of sudbury in june at buddys camp seemed to have no effect on the swarms of mosquitos up there
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