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Saw this one article. Not nip but nearby. I can confirm nip has some dicey crack ridges too and chunks of ice so be careful out there!!!! It looks all white so hard to spot.
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I saw one of those incidents a number of years ago on Simcoe, a fellow hit a crack or up piece of ice at warp speed, launched the snowmobile and himself and "got air" landed about 50 ft later and did multiple barrel rolls. Lucky he wasn't injured, snowmobile not so lucky.
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Yep - been there done that - last February about this time of year. Riding solo 25 km from my truck. Woke up on the ice 50+ feet from the machine. Last thing i remember was my hands coming off the handles and thinking "oh $%^& i am gonna die."
$1800 damage to machine. Managed to limp it 25 km back to my truck after i got it flipped and mostly put back together and running. Destroyed my helmet. Stopped after 1 km to puke after the adrenaline wore off. Concussed and black and blue all over. Took about 5 weeks to recover.
Group: Members
Posts: 3766
Member No.: 25
Joined: February 10, 2011
QUOTE (Species8472 @ Feb 11, 2025 - 12:30 pm)
Yep - been there done that - last February about this time of year. Riding solo 25 km from my truck. Woke up on the ice 50+ feet from the machine. Last thing i remember was my hands coming off the handles and thinking "oh $%^& i am gonna die."
$1800 damage to machine. Managed to limp it 25 km back to my truck after i got it flipped and mostly put back together and running. Destroyed my helmet. Stopped after 1 km to puke after the adrenaline wore off. Concussed and black and blue all over. Took about 5 weeks to recover.
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