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doesn't sound like anybody got off with a warning. Zero tolerance. break the rules,pay the price although sounded alittle harsh in get your stranded vehicles off the ice promptly when its -30 windchill.
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Exceeding catch limits, exceeding slot size limits, extra lines in the water. The total amount of anglers checked is just a fraction of how many anglers are out on the ice during the winter. Any given day or multiple days in a row there are anglers not following the regulations. It's easy math..... millions of fish taken every year that should have been released. No wonder we have a problem with fish stocks in certain lakes. There are so many anglers that ice fish, and soft water, it is impossible to check everyone. So many anglers with nothing but greed on their minds, and no morals or respect for the fishery. Since the fall I have seen such behaviors, watching thousands of hours of social media videos of anglers fishing. It's not getting any better that's for sure. With over 10 million walleye harvested last year legally, 10,000,000 that's a big number. How many more millions of walleye were harvested illegally? How many more millions of walleye died from not being handled properly, or released back to deep water suffering from Barotrauma. Millions of other fish (various species) suffer the same fate as walleye. It's a big picture that we all have painted, but no one really wants to look at. The statistics are out there and easy to find. The warnings have been around for decades, but thousands of anglers just don't care. It's time for all anglers with a conscience to go the extra mile and release a few healthy fish back to water. Maybe not keep our limit, and save a few fish for another adventure down the road. Save some fish, so our grandchildren and great grandchildren can enjoy fishing, catching, releasing, or keeping a few fish for dinner.
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I don't wish or want any p###### match but i beg to disagree. Millions ? no way imho a few bad apples will always tarnish things but i believe the Majority are following the rules and are generally good people with strong ethics. The one point i might agree on is the fatality rates of fish released from deep water.That can be an issue with the air bladders. More damage can be done by other unethical means. And don't forget,break the laws and you will Pay the Price. just a matter of when.i I was stopped 3 times on shore at sunset last year and checked.I have No problem with that.
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QUOTE (kenster @ Feb 19, 2025 - 06:34 pm)
I don't wish or want any p###### match but i beg to disagree. Millions ? no way imho a few bad apples will always tarnish things but i believe the Majority are following the rules and are generally good people with strong ethics. The one point i might agree on is the fatality rates of fish released from deep water.That can be an issue with the air bladders. More damage can be done by other unethical means. And don't forget,break the laws and you will Pay the Price. just a matter of when.i I was stopped 3 times on shore at sunset last year and checked.I have No problem with that.
That's the great thing about this Fishing Forum. You can disagree and I totally respect your opinion. I calculated my illegally harvested number at 20% compared to all legally harvested walleye which is over 10,000,000 last year. 10% of over the limit walleye anglers, with an average 2 walleye over is a couple million walleye when you factor in that 90% of illegal fishing anglers that don't get caught. As for the poorly handled walleye, the same 20% was applied. Arriving at a 20% margin came from the thousands of hours watched on those videos from my "Warning" post on the Lake Simcoe board. Approximately 1 out of 5 videos reviewed was just horrid how the fish were handled and released. Well over 1,000,000 people fishing in Ontario with over 20,000,000 days fished last year. A lot of math in my conclusions, I could be off a little, but not much. I appreciate your comment and insight.
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I don't understand why you have to drink when you fish or snowmobile?
I get that if you're in an overnight bungalow, you are allowed but the people who were fined, I'm speculating that they were locals in their own shack.
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I don't understand why you have to drink when you fish or snowmobile?
Totally agree, most people have to drive home with a few exceptions of course.
All I do is C&R so as for keeping too many that fine isn't hitting me but when we have massive ghost nets being found with no accountability it gets frustrating.
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I know personally I will never be in that position again as I was pulled over one day and blew over. I want to share this with the community not to drill anyone but hopefully it will serve as a benefit for you.
Most people do not realise that it does not take that much to blow over or the monetary penalties of your actions and how your life will change.
After you blow over you are locked up and fingerprinted as this on a conviction will go as a criminal record. That alone has things attached to it that restrict your travel.
Lawyer fees....I was lucky there as I have one in the family.....but probably a bill of about 2,000.
If you are pleading guilty get the quickest court date as you can because everything like your suspension is dated from that date, like your time of suspension.
When convicted there is a fine of about 2,000 my lawyer got it reduced. They take your license card from you.
Most people are not aware that after you are convicted of a first time drinking driving offence you lose your license for a period oof one year. If you live in the city thats not too bad. If you are rural it really hurts as there are no alternative means of transportation except for friends and family. True friends will help you....other friends suddenly disappear. Family is disappointed and embarrassed by you.
After three months you can apply for a blow machine. I chose Smart Start. This will allow you to drive again. Before installation you need to attend a classroom learning session on drinking and driving with your peers. If you fail you get to do it again at a cost. Once you pass you can get the device installed under the eyes of the department of transport. They make the appointment and someone has to drive you there. You also have to go to Service Ontario and get a new drivers license card at a cost of $200. BTW printed on it is a statement that you have been convicted of a drinking and driving charge. That also comes up on a policeman's screen if he runs your plate. So get used to getting checked out every time a cop decides to run your plate to make sure you are sober.
The device.......hmmmmm It goes off randomly timed between every 20 to 40 minutes. Funny thing is you are allowed to grab it and blow while driving but you can't touch your phone......bit of a double standard. The device costs to get installed and you rent it at a cost of about $100 per month. Get used to it everyone is in your wallet pocket. If everything goes well you should be rid of the device in 9 months, but I will bet it rarely does from my experience. So when the machine goes off you blow and if it gives you a green light you are good to drive for another 20 to 40 minutes. If it shows a red light you have to pull over and call them and answer why. If you ignoore it your horn will go off continuously and your lights will flash. You know have 4 days to get them to make you an appointment to reset the a cost of an extra $100. I stopped drinking 6 months before I applied for the device so was stone sober, but on 5 different occasions the machine sent me a red light. This machine reads minute particles of alcohol and they do not believe that you are sober when it goes off, so there is no grace. One time an apple fritter set it off, due to the yeast. Another time an orange set it off due to the citrus. Another time windshield washer fumes coming through the vent set it off. Two other times It went off and I have no idea why. Keep in mind that each time you have to travel a distance and take the time to go get it reset, each time paying an extra $100 for no reason. One time I was headed for Moncton and was just outside of Montreal.....well guess what, they have no dealers to reset your device in all provinces, so you then have to drive back to Ontario to get it reset. So finally I am coming up to my 1 year of suspension and it will be time to get the device removed. The last time it sent me a failed red light was two days prior to removal date of the device. I went there thinking it would finally be removed. Ha hahaha......he runs the machine and the info from it goes to the MOT and he comes back to me and have to keep the device for three more months because your last three months you have to be clear of any violations. So that random red light cost me an extra $400. Nice eh. Oh and it is like fighting city hall.
So my extra three months is up and I call them to make an appointment to get the machine removed as I was clean for the three in no violations. It was a Saturday and I got there told the guy I am so happy to finally get rid of this PITA......I am now paranoid of all He makes the call as he is running the data off my device to the ministry and came back and told me there is nobody in the office so he can't remove the machine as there is no authorisation. I said get that fricking machine out of my truck. He said you ant do that they will come after your license and they will make you serve the other two years of no device and no driving. I said let them come I have had enough of their bullshit and will fight that in a court of law. He took it out....they drove me crazy with emails for 8 months wanting their machine back and money I owed which I answered your installer has my device and I owe you nothing and if we go to court I will go after what you owe me and try my best to shutdown your cash cow. I finally made one last phone call and talked to someone that believed in me and said she would fix it.......I did not hear another word.
Insurance......the worst of your troubles. My original Insurance Company Co-Operators as soon as they found out kicked me to the curb and cancelled my insurance. I had to go with a high risk company. Their rate after some negotiating for my 2018 F150 was $785 per MONTH. I paid that for 12 months. I then decided that I need to reduce this cost so I took my truck off the road. I also have a 2009 Ford Edge that was a spare I got a quote after some bickering of $315 per month with no collision. On my 2 year anniversary they dropped that , I was surprised because they did this on their own, to a rate of $230 for my last year of my sentence.
In total it will cost you between $30,000 and 40,000 to have that fun night and along with that comes a lot of mental anguish and related expenses and loss of lifestyle.
I was stopped on May 21, 2022. I went to court for a conviction June 21,2022. My last drink forever was September 10, 2022. On my three year anniversary June 21, 2025. I hope to have a normal insurance rate.
Last and final do not want another conviction and I believe if you have a third conviction you lose your license for life.
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Quite the informative post Arnie. I can attest that while I was working, a lot of people can't get it through their heads how small an amount can and does affect their faculties. Part of the course had us do simple things like typing, before and after a couple drinks, beer or spirits, dexterity, like putting a pencil in a 1 inch hole without touching the sides of the hole, etc. To say the least it was hilarious. You may "feel" fine, but the body shows otherwise. Best I ever got was an old phart that blew .220 twice on a sunday morning after church. He was aggravated by the preachers sermon. Another scary one was a skinny woman driving with 2 guys in the front seat of a Pontiac Fiero, on the wrong side of the road. She didn't blow much, but was blasted.
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WOW!! that would scare the crap out of anyone. No idea how bad and hard the Hammer comes down on you I consider myself very lucky as between wife #1 and wife #2 i did drink and drive.Twice caught ,once let threw ride and the 2nd a 12hour. I do still drink, a glass or two of wine only at home. My Concrete limit is 1-2 light beer and not a drop more if driving Which is also very rare ,Also waiting before leaving. I'm oldish now so i haven't over indulged in 20+ years and don't ever intend to. Thanks for sharing If that doesn't make people think twice nothing will.
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Holy smoke Arnie, that's a very beneficial story. By sharing your very personal experience, perhaps you have just helped someone. Not an easy task to share a past mistake to hundreds of readers. Inspiring post, maybe exactly what someone out there needed to identify with.
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Kenster people think the laws are still the same as when you got caught.....but they are much tougher now.
Fisherman I am a person that has always had a very responsible job. I was so embarrassed when I got caught and tried to hide in my shame. Now I advocate my story in hopes it will make even just one person aware of where they are going.....and in that reform education that is mandatory for you to be able to get the blow device they will say you can drink.....just don't drive. A lot of people will drink all night at home and go to work in the morning and get stopped and they think they are ok.
As a life long union rep I know am available to speak on it with my substance Abuse rep when he needs me.
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QUOTE (crappeeeman @ Feb 20, 2025 - 05:25 pm)
Holy smoke Arnie, that's a very beneficial story. By sharing your very personal experience, perhaps you have just helped someone. Not an easy task to share a past mistake to hundreds of readers. Inspiring post, maybe exactly what someone out there needed to identify with.
Thanks Jamie And that is exactly what I hope to achieve by posting it.
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