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> Stocked Lakes, Interesting!
Posted: Mar 17, 2025 - 08:20 pm

World Record Trout

Group: Members
Posts: 4942
Member No.: 67
Joined: February 10, 2011

Each Winter I make a a day trip into the Haliburton area to do some visiting.

Along the way, I pass many water bodies, some larger and some quite small.

On 1 smaller water body that you would tend to just drive past, the last couple of years, I've seen someone ice fishing on it.

Thought to myself, what could they be fishing for in that small body of water?

Did some research and found out the name of the lake and township. From there, did some checking of fish stocking records. Lo and behold in 2022, the MNR stocked 2000 yearling rainbow in the lake.

Mystery solved and no, I'm not telling you where it is.


PMEmail Poster
Posted: Mar 18, 2025 - 06:39 am

World Record Trout

Group: Members
Posts: 1551
Member No.: 15869
Joined: April 04, 2018

Nice find. Some of those lakes can be good.

PMEmail Poster

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