With Mom at a baby shower in Pickering I figured I would round up all the husbands from the party and Hit the ice. This would be the first time I take my boys on the ice. Was going to pick up minnows and worms at Tightlines but they were closed. Had to circle back to Scarborough. Walked out from the West side of the bay towards the crowd. Walk was short and not that slushy. Set up in 10 ft of water and only marked a couple little guys. Moved to 7-9 ft of water and thats when things picked up. Caught 3 jumbos and a pike. My little guys are "hooked"! They had a blast watching my Lowrance and making patterns. They watched as perch would rise up on their spoons and they would yell when a fish was marked ( who needs an fish alarm function, just bring your 5 and 3 year old!) Great times and VERY good memories.
enojying a snack on the ice
first fish
big brother wondering why little bro first fish is bigger than his
bucket list item #3- fishing with my kids.....CHECK!