The Perch Palace
The Perch Palace offers year round lakefront accommodations for Lake Simcoe visitors. Guests have access to all kitchen facilities so bring your crockpot with venison stew. Breakfast may or may not be available depending on the mood of my girlfriend. Our common room is equipped with a 75” TV to watch those big sporting events.
Lake access and boat launch facilities are only 75-yards from our front door and we have six slips for keeping your boat in the water.
Ideally located for catching Simcoe's world famous jumbo perch, The Perch Palace is midway between Keswick and Jackson's Point directly across from Snake Island.
Call the Professor of Perch at 1-905-476-4065
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Along with hot perch action at both the east and west ends of Snake Island, other nearby perch hotspots include North Gwillumbury Park (formerly Maple Leaf Park), Roches Point, and Cooks Bay. We are also 20 minutes away by road from the Sibbald Point/Virginia Beach area.
The Snake Island area is also a great area to catch Whitefish and lake trout (off the west side of Snake Island in water up to 100 feet deep. Jigging williams, meegs, tip-ups and crankbaits are all very productive for catching Lake Trout and whitefish. Also anywhere you are catching perch there is also a good catch of hooking up with a bonus pike. One of the best fishing spots in the province. Enjoy and good luck!

There is also lots of entertainment and hometown amenitites in the area as well, we are only 15 minutes away from Keswick and Jackson's Point. Both towns have numerous bars and restaurants offering everything from basic meals to fine dining. The Perch Palace is also one-hour from Casino Rama. For your next Simcoe hard or soft water fishing adventure, make sure you call us!
For more information visit our website,
The Perch Palace
981 Lake Dr, North
Island Grove / Georgina
ON L4P 3E9
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